Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fabulous Flowers

I absolutely love flowers. They're beautiful and they smell wonderful. (Sometimes.)

I enjoy it when I receive them unexpectedly. (hint, hint.)

When I buy them for a special occasion.

Or for no particular reason at all.

I like flowers so much that I made my own out of tissue paper that I can enjoy year round.

I have flower designs on rugs.

On plates and tablecloths.

And pillows, too.

I even painted flowers on my wall a few years ago.

You may have noticed flowers staged in all the decorating magazines. It doesn't seem to matter what the style is, either. Most photos will have some sort of flower or plant.

Flowers add a freshness to a room and give it a finished look. (I'm absolutely enamored by these chairs! They would look perfect in my kitchen!)

It seems as though most people appreciate fresh flowers. You can add a punch of color or make a statement with your bouquet.

Anne Geddes' flowerpot baby pictures were extremely popular back in the day--and still are in some places. (I wonder how many babies throughout the country were stuck in a large container or pot with some sort of flowery headdress all in the name of photography?)

Flowers can be chosen to harmonize with the colors of the surrounding decor

Or to stand out and take center stage.

This room has an amazing mural that can stand on it's own yet three vases of flowers were bought in for the photograph.

In this gorgeous dining tablescape the beautiful chandeliers are the focal point. If you look closely at the table you'll see that despite all the bling, single fresh roses were added down the length of the table.

Flowers have wonderful qualities whether you receive them as a gift or buy or grow your own.

(Or sneak and enjoy your neighbor's...)

The tip that photo stylists use (and we can, too!) is that flowers can transform or freshen up a room. How about yours?

(photo credits: apartmenttherapy, flickr, decorpad, mykidsroom, Anne Geddes)

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